MYP Unit plans
MYP Year 5 Invasion games
MYP Year 4 Lifestyle choices
MYP Year 1 Lifestyle choices
MYPPHE Year1 Grade 6
Unit title: Invasion Games MYP year1 Unit duration (cycles) 2x3
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit Key concept Communication Relationships
Related concept(s) Adaptation Interaction
Global context Identities and Relationships
Statement of inquiry
Through meaningful cooperation and communicationI will be able to be a successful member of a team
*Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you are part of a team*
Inquiry questions Factual What is a team?
Conceptual How do my strengths and weaknesses affect the team? Debatable Is your personal gain more important than the needs of a team?
Summative assessment Objectives
Outline of summative assessment task(s)
Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry:
Approaches to learning (ATL)
Consider content
Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry
Content Learning process Knowledge Students should know:
Pre- Assessment
Understanding: Students should understand that:
Learning experiences
Skills: Students should be skilled at:
Formative assessment and feedback
Flag football games: view lessons
about Lieke BurghoutFacilitate learning, teaching students how to learn. Passionate about finding original ways of delivering the MYP PHE curriculum. Focus on integrating IT and consistent user of the Flipped Classroom technique. Enthusiastic about creating and implementing new curriculum items like sport management.
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